martes, 13 de marzo de 2018


How the world is now.

Resultado de imagen para personas usando celulares
Resultado de imagen para calentador solar

In this time we are using a lot of alternative energy like the solar power that is used by many homes in the planet.

Resultado de imagen para Cientificos

In the technological ambit we are very advanced in medicine and other kinds of sciences, the technology makes easier for us to do our day to day labors.

Resultado de imagen para personas usando celulares

The actual entertainment consist essentially in the use of the cell phone using it not only for making calls, now is used as a GPS, Computer, Camera and other kind of things.

How the world was 20 years ago.

Resultado de imagen para ambiente hace 20 años

Resultado de imagen para hace 20 años

The technological advances were very analogic an the people had a lot of diseases, there was less pollution  in the big countries.

Resultado de imagen para electricidad

20 years ago the most used technology was the electricity and almost every dispositive worked with that energy.

Resultado de imagen para personas conviviendo

The people 20 years ago used to have more conversations and had more types of entertainment in fresh air. 

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